Well, it installed to the new path - but, it went and DELETED the 1.85 path.Nice work, guys.I'm at my wits end. I installed 2.0 to a new path, so that I'd still have 1.85, and thus, still be able to use my Zune 30. Dang, my post submitted while I was still typing! I can't see any way to edit or delete it, if someone can get rid of the scrap, please do, thanks!Anyway, they came out with a NEW update - version 2.0 - like a fool, I spent an hour or so downloading it and installed it and good grief, not only did they NOT restore the WMV1 encoding they REMOVED with the last update, but they ADDED a nifty misfeature - constant "COM Surrogate has stopped working" errors while running unrelated apps, copying files, etc.Yes, they BROKE my OPERATING SYSTEM!I tracked it down to a problem with the FFMpeg component included with this edition of Format Factory - and remedied it by REMOVING Format Factory.I originally TRIED to play it safe, just in case.